Call of duty cold war double weapon xp
Call of duty cold war double weapon xp

call of duty cold war double weapon xp call of duty cold war double weapon xp

  • Addressed an issue that caused Optics to be automatically unlocked on the R1 Shadowhunter crossbow.
  • Addressed an issue where leaderboards were not updated correctly at the end of match.
  • Addressed an issue where the player wasn’t properly getting credited for kills while in vehicles for the “Damage Delivery” Challenge.
  • Addressed an issue where the Tesla Ball wasn’t working against some enemies.
  • Addressed an issue where the player’s shield was not affecting the Meatball or Spider enemies as expected.
  • Addressed an issue where various shield type objects (Barrels, Boxing Gloves, Sawblades, Tesla Balls) were not working as expected.
  • Addressed a co-op issue where a player wouldn’t be warped into the Room of Fate if another player was dropping into the Room of Fate on a buggy or mech at the same time.
  • Addressed an issue where the War Store wasn’t granting vehicles or a random one.
  • Addressed an issue where the Bonus Room War Store not functioning as expected.
  • Adjusted time allotments for Wave 3 in the Room of Judgement.
  • Slightly adjusted some rewards for life donation.
  • Addressed a stability issue related to the Secure Objective.
  • Addressed a stability issue related to Wall Buys.
  • Addressed a stability issue related to the Dragon Relic.
  • Addressed a stability issue related to the Krasny Soldat’s leap attack.
  • Addressed a stability issue related to Ammo Mods.
  • Addressed an issue where the “Classic” camo category for the R1 Shadowhunter wasn’t tracking properly.
  • call of duty cold war double weapon xp

    Addressed an issue where the “Science” camo category for the RPG-7 wasn’t tracking properly.Increased RC-XD damage to take down nearby enemies using Flak Jacket.Closed an out-of-bounds exploit area near the Parking Garage.Addressed an issue with UI icon visuals for the “Oni” Reticle appearing too dark in the preview.ZRG 20mm sniper rifle now available via in-game challenge or Store bundle.You can see the full patch notes below: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War April 7 Patch Notes GLOBAL Meanwhile, plenty of gameplay improvements and bug fixes were added to Zombies Outbreak, Dead Ops Arcade 3, and Onslaught. Gunfight Blueprints also had a Season Two Reloaded update. Gunsmith Customs and Gunfight Tournaments were also introduced to multiplayer this week, the latter coming with exclusive rewards.

    Call of duty cold war double weapon xp